13 January, 2025

Mission and Outreach

Thank you to all our valued volunteers who assist with our programs; with Worship; with Maintenance of the church property; Fundraising activities; administration; music; and for supporting a diverse number of people outside the church.


Tuesday’s Community Lunch  

Closed Until February 4th 2025 


Marketplace Crafts Shop

Closed for 2024 on 19th December until February 2025

Our ‘Marketplace Crafts’ shop sells items provided by local talented craftspeople, providing them a chance to sell their handmade goods on a commission basis.

All money raised goes to local charities. In its fifteen years, the shop has contributed to organisations such as Values 4 Life educational programs, bushfire and flood relief, STEPS, Angel Flight, Heart House, School Chaplaincy, Echuca Hospital and our own breakfast and lunch programs. It is entirely staffed by volunteers.



Closed from December 6th

Resume on February 5th 2025

PO. Box 956, Echuca, 3564.   Phone 0491 607 262 (new number) 

Other areas of Local Ministry:

  • Aged Care Worship Services at Wharparilla Lodge and Cunningham Downs, 1st Friday of each month 10 am and 11am. BUPA aged care on 3rd Friday of each month at 10.45am

  • Grocery collection for foodbank

  • Support of local community projects



Supporting the work of Uniting Church Australia and other organisations

It is better to light a candle than blame the darkness.



The people of the Echuca Moama Uniting Church provide a lunch program most weeks of the year. This is made possible through the ministry of the SHARE program. Community-based organisations and some businesses generously support this important ministry through donations and volunteer support.

Lunch helps women and men who are struggling to raise families, people who are unemployed, lonely or with some of the other difficulties that people of today face. Those who can, give a gold coin donation for their meal.

A team of volunteers provide appetizing food as well as a friendly face and an encouraging word. Meals are served except on public holidays and a short break after Christmas & New Year. Enter through the Pakenham Street entrance (next to Marketplace Crafts Shop) of the Church.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with this program, please call in and speak to someone in the church office.